While many of our projects are protected by NDAs, we're excited to share the essence of our work, the logic behind, and the results we achieve.  

As we build our portfolio, you'll witness firsthand how we transform ideas into reality and help our clients achieve their goals.



Where Culture Meets Style

When a local online bookstore approached us, they were looking for more than just a facelift. They need a brand that would resonate with book lovers and culture enthusiasts alike.

  • • Craft a compelling brand identity

    • Develop a clear communications strategy

    • Reimagine their product assortment

  • We christened the brand "Janmates" – a fusion of "Jan" (soul in Kyrgyz) and "mates," creating a name that speaks to the deep connection between readers and their beloved books.

    We expanded their catalog to include a "reading ecosystem" – think ambient lighting, aromatic candles, and sleek notebooks. But we didn't stop there. Our "Culture + Style" approach introduced a whole new product line, from eye-catching posters to fashionable apparel, watches, and bags.

    Our communication strategy centered on Janmates' core values:

    • The transformative power of reading

    • Lifelong learning through books, events, and mentorship

    • Conscious consumption and environmental responsibility

    • Meticulous product curation and testing

    We designed a logo that cleverly combines a circle (culture) and a tilted rectangle (style) to form a "J" – a visual representation of Janmates' dual focus.

    To complete the transformation, we created a line of branded merchandise and a series of captivating posters that embody the Janmates ethos.

  • Janmates emerged as more than just a bookstore – it's now a cultural hub that celebrates the joy of reading while embracing style and sustainability. Our holistic approach transformed a local online retailer into a brand with soul, substance, and serious style.



Igniting a Running Revolution

A local running club approached us with grand aspirations. They sought comprehensive branding and positioning support, a clear communications strategy, and innovative ideas to build a strong, vibrant community.

  • Our challenge was to transform client's vision into a powerful, cohesive brand that would resonate with urban runners and inspire a citywide movement.

  • We embarked on a holistic branding journey, crafting every element to embody the club's spirit and ambitions:

    1. We suggested the naming "JARR," a dynamic fusion of the Kyrgyz word "Жар" (meaning "blow up" or "do something extraordinary") and the English "To Jar" (shake things up). This name encapsulates the idea of pushing boundaries and leaving comfort zones to achieve results.

    2. We designed a graffiti-style logo featuring a simplistic mountain motif, easy to draw by hand. This urban, edgy aesthetic allows members to mark their territories and fosters a sense of belonging. We incorporated a vibrant pink color scheme to enhance visibility during early morning and late-night runs.

    3. We distilled the club's ethos into three core values - Discipline, Community, and Endurance - represented by the three peaks in the logo.

    4. Community Identity: We crafted a detailed persona of the ideal JARR member: an urban citizen dedicated to self-improvement and community engagement. This guided our development of motivational messaging to attract new members.

    5. Community Building: We created meme packs, catchy taglines, and innovative concepts like a community internet radio for group runs. We also designed group start/finish events and a performance dashboard with rewards to encourage participation and achievement.

    6. Merchandise: We designed club merch, including socks and shorts, to boost brand visibility and member pride.

  • Our comprehensive branding and community-building strategy transformed JARR from a local running club into a thriving urban movement. The graffiti-style logo and pink color scheme became instantly recognizable throughout the city, with members proudly displaying their affiliation.

    The club's membership surged, driven by our targeted messaging and community-building initiatives. The performance dashboard and reward system fostered healthy competition and increased engagement, while group events strengthened the sense of community.

    JARR's vision of having half of Kyrgyzstan's adults engaged in regular training, preferably running, is now well on its way to becoming a reality. The club has become a beacon for urban fitness enthusiasts, transforming not just individual lives but the city's entire fitness culture.

    Through our strategic branding and positioning, JARR has truly lived up to its name - jarring the city's fitness scene and igniting a running revolution.

Made in KG


A Mark Design Journey

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Kyrgyzstan launched an open contest to design a logo for the "Made in Kyrgyzstan" label.

  • Our creative agency took on the challenge to create a distinctive mark that would:

    • Encourage buyers to pay more attention to local products

    • Be versatile enough to be placed on various items, from small to large

    • Stand out in the market and promote Kyrgyz-made goods

    The design needed to be more than just a logo – it had to be a powerful emblem that could serve as a recognizable mark of quality and origin for Kyrgyz products.

  • Our approach to this project was methodical and innovative, consisting of two main phases:

    1. Research: We conducted an extensive analysis of similar initiatives in other countries. Our findings revealed that most existing designs were complex, colorful, and heavily incorporated national flags. This approach, while patriotic, posed challenges for application on smaller items. We decided to take a different route – opting for minimalism and simplicity, drawing inspiration from widely recognized marks like the CE (Conformité Européenne) and EAC (Eurasian Conformity) symbols.

    2. Design: Our creative team developed a mark with strong visuals and deep, multi-layered meanings:

    • Base Design: We ingeniously combined the letters 'KG' (Kyrgyzstan's national code) into a single symbol. The upper half represented the top of 'K', while the lower half depicted the bottom of 'G'.

    • Peace Sign: This combination cleverly formed a pictogram of a hand showing a peace sign, symbolizing Kyrgyz manufacturers' commitment to peaceful and positive customer relations.

    • Smiley Face: The design could also be interpreted as a smiley face, with 'K's parts representing eyes and 'G's bottom as a mouth, conveying the positive emotions associated with buying Kyrgyz products.

    • Technical Perfection: The mark was meticulously crafted to be pixel-perfect, with equal-sized top and bottom parts, and a vertical division into five equal parts – a treat for visual perfectionists.

    Additional Strengths:

    - Avoided clichéd visual elements common in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia

    - Distinct from similar logos of neighboring countries

    - Timeless design, not bound by temporary trends

  • While our design wasn't selected as the winner of the contest, this project showcases our agency's ability to:

    1. Think outside the box and challenge conventional design norms

    2. Conduct thorough research to inform our creative process

    3. Create multi-layered, meaningful designs that go beyond surface-level aesthetics

    4. Develop versatile and technically perfect logos suitable for various applications

    5. Incorporate cultural sensitivity while avoiding stereotypical representations

    This case study demonstrates our capacity to handle complex branding challenges, even on a national scale. It highlights our innovative approach, attention to detail, and ability to infuse deep meaning into seemingly simple designs. Although we didn't win the contest, we're proud of our submission and the creative process behind it, which exemplifies our agency's commitment to excellence and originality in every project we undertake.