Not the best KG logos - Part I

In this analysis, we take a closer look at five logos from Kyrgyzstan that, while representing well-known companies, fall short in terms of modern design principles. From clashing color schemes to outdated aesthetics, these logos highlight common pitfalls that can hinder a brand's image. By examining the logos for Kyrgyz Oil and Gas, National Electric Grid, Hoster.KG, Unis Kurulush, and Umut & Co., we identify the key elements that make these designs less effective and provide actionable insights for improvement.

1. Umut and Co.

The logo for Umut and Co., a dairy products company, features a cartoon-style clown with a red nose, wearing a striped blue-and-white hat and a colorful sweater. The clown is holding an ice cream cone in one hand and giving a thumbs-up with the other. The logo has a playful, childlike aesthetic, with a large, heart-shaped detail on the clown's chest, and is enclosed within a circular frame.

a) Irrelevant branding: The use of a clown in the logo is more commonly associated with entertainment, circuses, or children's parties, rather than a serious, quality-driven dairy products company. This creates a disconnect between the logo and the industry it represents, potentially confusing customers about the brand's focus.

b) Overly complex design: The logo is visually cluttered with too many elements — hat stripes, sweater patterns, a heart shape, and the ice cream cone. This complexity can make the logo difficult to reproduce clearly at smaller sizes, such as on packaging or in digital formats.

c) Outdated aesthetic: The cartoonish style and color choices give the logo a dated appearance, reminiscent of early 90s clip art rather than a modern, professional brand. This could make the company seem out of touch with current design trends and consumer expectations.

d) Distracting color scheme: The combination of bold, primary colors (red, blue, yellow, and green) with no clear hierarchy creates visual confusion. The colors do not harmonize well, making the logo less visually appealing and harder to focus on.

e) Lack of industry relevance: The clown does not communicate anything specific about dairy products, except for the ice cream cone. The lack of clear dairy-related imagery (like milk, cheese, or a cow) fails to convey the company's core product offerings to potential customers.

Hot Fixes

1) Simplify the design: Streamline the logo by removing unnecessary elements, such as the heart shape on the chest and the complex patterns on the clothing. Focus on a simpler, cleaner design that can be easily recognized and reproduced across different mediums.

2) Incorporate dairy elements: Replace the clown with a more industry-relevant mascot or icon, such as a cow, milk bottle, or a stylized dairy product like cheese or yogurt. This will immediately clarify the brand's association with dairy products.

3) Modernize the color palette: Update the color scheme to use more contemporary, muted tones or even a monochromatic palette that reflects the freshness and quality of dairy products. This will make the logo feel more current and professional while improving its overall aesthetic appeal.

2. Unis Kurulush

Unis Kurulush Logo

The logo for Unis Kurulush, a construction and development company, features stylized red and yellow text that appears to form a combination of letters and abstract shapes. The dominant colors are red and yellow, which are patriotic colors from the Kyrgyzstan flag. The logo has a somewhat geometric design, with a large yellow arc extending over the text, possibly symbolizing a structure or bridge. Below the company name, the smaller text "строительная фирма" (construction firm) is included but is barely legible, especially at smaller sizes.

a) Poor legibility: The choice of red and yellow for the text, particularly the yellow "K" on a white background, significantly reduces readability. This is especially problematic in professional settings where clarity is key.

b) Inconsistent design elements: The mixture of thick and thin lines, along with the inconsistent font sizes and styles, creates a disjointed look. The geometric arch clashes with the typography rather than complementing it, leading to a lack of cohesion in the design.

c) Overcomplicated visuals: The logo attempts to incorporate too many design elements, including the arch, abstract shapes, and multiple text styles. This results in a cluttered appearance that can be confusing and hard to interpret, especially for first-time viewers.

d) Inadequate representation of industry: The logo lacks clear indicators that it's for a construction and development firm. The abstract design elements and the lack of construction-related imagery (like buildings, tools, or architectural symbols) fail to immediately communicate the nature of the business.

e) Unreadable supporting text: The small "строительная фирма" text is nearly impossible to read, especially at smaller sizes. This undermines the logo's effectiveness in conveying essential information about the company, particularly in digital or print formats where space is limited.

Hot Fixes:

1) Enhance legibility: Change the color of the "K" to red or another darker color to ensure it is readable against the white background. This will make the company name clear and easy to read at a glance, which is crucial for brand recognition.

2) Simplify and unify design elements: Streamline the design by either removing the yellow arch or simplifying it to better complement the text. Consider using a consistent font weight and style throughout the logo to create a more cohesive and professional look.

3) Incorporate industry-specific imagery: Add subtle construction-related elements, such as a stylized building silhouette or architectural lines, to more clearly communicate the company’s focus on construction and development. This would make the logo more relevant and instantly recognizable within its industry.

4. Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan


The logo for the National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan features the acronym "НЭСК" (NESK) in large, stylized blue lettering, with the "Э" and "С" formed by two interlocking blue circles. The "z" in the middle of the acronym is in red, breaking the color scheme. The company’s full name, “Национальная Электрическая Сеть Кыргызстана” (National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan), is written in a different font, aligned to the right in blue, creating a bold but somewhat disjointed look.

a) Unreadable symbols (Э and С): The use of two circles to form the "Э" and "С" makes these letters hard to recognize at first glance. These shapes do not resemble traditional letters, creating confusion for viewers, especially for a professional company where clear communication is essential.

b) Poor legibility of transparent N and K: The "Н" and "К" are designed with only outlines and no solid fill, which makes them less legible, especially when scaled down or placed against different backgrounds. This reduces the overall clarity and effectiveness of the logo. In addition, the bottoms of these letters touch the "circles", while the tops don't, creating an imbalanced appearance.

c) Inconsistent typography: The font used for the acronym "НЭСК" is different from the font used for the full company name. This inconsistency creates a visual disconnect between the logo’s elements, giving it an unprofessional and fragmented appearance.

d) Misleading use of the red "z": The red "z" does not clearly symbolize "energy" or any other relevant concept related to electricity. Additionally, the horizontal placement of this symbol feels random, as energy is often depicted using vertical or lightning bolt-like shapes, making the message unclear.

e) Outdated design: The overall look of the logo feels dated and lacks a modern aesthetic. The geometric shapes and basic color scheme are reminiscent of older, Soviet-era designs, which may not resonate well with contemporary audiences. For a company dealing with electricity, the design lacks the technological edge and dynamism that would reflect innovation or forward-thinking.

f) Russian version only: The НЭСК logo only represents the company's name in Russian, while there is also a Kyrgyz version of the name (КУЭТ). However, it appears that there is no option to display the Kyrgyz version in the logo.

Hot Fixes

1) Simplifying the design: Start by replace the abstract circles representing "Э" and "С" with more traditional letterforms that are easily recognizable. This will improve the legibility of the acronym and help viewers immediately understand the brand's identity. The combination of interlocking circles, bold letters, and stacked text creates a cluttered look. Simplifying the design could lead to a cleaner and more modern logo.

2) Unify the font style: Use a consistent, modern font for both the acronym "НЭК" and the full company name. A uniform font style will create visual harmony and make the logo look more polished and cohesive. It should also reflect the professional nature of the company.

3) Rethink the symbolism: Either remove the "z" or replace it with a symbol that clearly communicates energy, such as a lightning bolt, a power line, or a dynamic icon. This would create a stronger association with the company’s core function and visually represent its industry.

4. Kyrgyzneftegaz

Kyrgyzneftegaz Logo

The logo for Kyrgyzneftegaz (Kyrgyz Oil and Gas Co.) features a triangular black-bordered shape with a gradient flame in the center, symbolizing oil and gas. The flame is designed in shades of yellow, red, and orange. This central flame is placed over a large, geometric, blue triangular background with red accents. Below the flame, the company's name is written in bold white Cyrillic text ("КЫРГЫЗНЕФТЕГАЗ") against a red base.

a) Outdated use of gradients: The flame design relies heavily on gradient colors, which often feel outdated in modern logo design. Gradients are difficult to reproduce consistently across different mediums, especially in print or small sizes, reducing the practicality of the logo.

b) Strange geometric shapes and borders: The thick, black borders around the triangle and the overall geometric blue shape give the logo an old-fashioned appearance. This aesthetic, while maybe functional decades ago, does not communicate the modern, forward-thinking nature expected of a major oil and gas company today.

c) Clashing color scheme: The combination of bright gradient colors for the flame, the black border, the light blue geometric background, and the red accents results in a visually overwhelming design. The colors do not harmonize well and make the logo appear visually cluttered rather than sleek and professional.

d) Inconsistent symbolism: While the flame is a recognizable symbol for oil and gas, the large blue geometric background does not clearly represent anything relevant to the oil and gas industry. It creates confusion and distracts from the central flame symbol.

e) Overcomplicated composition: The logo has too many elements compete for attention — flame, borders, geometric shapes, and bold text. This complexity dilutes the message and weakens brand identity. The busy design lacks the simplicity and elegance needed for a professional logo in a serious industry like energy production.

Hot Fixes

1) Simplify the design: Remove the thick black borders and geometric shapes to reduce visual clutter. Focus on a simpler, more minimalist flame icon that can clearly communicate the energy/oil theme without being overcomplicated. A cleaner design will make the logo easier to reproduce across various mediums and sizes.

2) Modernize the color scheme: Replace the gradient colors with flat, solid colors for the flame and opt for a more modern palette (e.g., deep reds or blues with subtle highlights). Flat colors are more versatile, and they reflect a more contemporary brand identity, which will make the company appear more modern and forward-looking.

3) Rework the typography and layout: Instead of having the name in white text on a red background, explore cleaner, standalone typography that fits well with the new simplified design. A modern sans-serif font in black or dark blue would increase readability and align better with the overall professional image of the company.


Hoster Logo

The logo for Hoster.KG, a hosting company in Kyrgyzstan, features a stylized "X" shape on the left made of orange and yellow intersecting lines, followed by the company name “HOSTER.KG” in a bold, futuristic typeface. The ".KG" domain is highlighted in yellow, contrasting with the orange used for “HOSTER.” The overall design appears modern but has some issues that detract from its effectiveness as a tech-focused brand.

a) Poor typeface design for "T" and "R": The font used for “T” and “R” in "HOSTER" feels awkward and forced, with the extended diagonal lines making them look unbalanced and aesthetically unappealing. The letters stand out in a way that disrupts the overall flow of the text.

b) Disconnected symbolism in the "X": The "X" formed by intersecting orange and yellow lines doesn't immediately connect to the idea of hosting, technology, or digital infrastructure. Without a clear meaning, the abstract shape may confuse viewers and fail to convey the company's services.

c) Lack of industry-specific imagery: Hosting and tech companies typically use imagery that communicates connectivity, data, or technology, such as clouds or network nodes. This logo lacks any direct reference to the hosting industry, making it less effective at representing the brand's purpose.

d) Clashing colors: The combination of bright orange and yellow, while eye-catching, lacks sophistication and could be seen as too playful for a tech company. This color palette can also make the logo hard to read on certain backgrounds, particularly where contrast is low.

e) Visual imbalance: The bold "HOSTER" and the highly stylized ".KG" create a visual imbalance, with too much emphasis on ".KG." This distracts from the main brand name and creates a feeling of disjointedness between the elements.

Hot Fixes:

1) Redesign the typeface for "T" and "R": Opt for a more balanced, clean typeface that avoids the awkward diagonal cuts on the "T" and "R." A simple, modern sans-serif font would give the logo a more professional and cohesive look, better suited to a tech company.

2) Incorporate tech-related imagery: Replace or modify the "X" symbol to incorporate elements that directly relate to hosting or technology. For example, a stylized server rack, cloud, or waves could make the logo more relevant and immediately recognizable as part of the hosting industry.

3) Refine the color scheme: Tone down the colors by using a more neutral palette (e.g., blue, gray, or white) combined with one accent color, such as orange. This would give the logo a more professional, trustworthy appearance while still keeping it visually appealing. Also, ensure that the ".KG" doesn’t overpower the company name by reducing its weight or brightness.

Through this exploration of five logos from Kyrgyzstan, it's clear that even well-established brands can benefit from design updates. In an increasingly visual world, a logo must not only represent a company but also communicate its values, professionalism, and modernity. By addressing common issues like poor legibility, outdated symbols, and cluttered compositions, these logos could better serve their respective brands and resonate more effectively with their audiences.


The digital linguistic divide


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